Monday, December 31, 2012

snowshoeing on New Year's eve

While John was cross country skiing,

 I enjoyed snowshoeing.
I had a blast. I'm 9 month pregnant, the meadow is flat so no impact, perfect aerobic exercise while enjoying views and the cool air. It was great ! 

Friday, December 28, 2012


Yesterday it snowed about 10".
So I've decided to do a snowman, which I haven't done for a long long time. 
I let my inspiration flow, and I end up doing a snowman which looks like more than stupa than anything else ;-)

My snowman
Stupa in the Kumbu - Nepal

Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas 2012


Our Christmas tree is really nice.
Thanks to John's Christmas ornaments. They are so cute.
They represent various sports that we do and love
(e.g. a rock climbing shoe, a backpack, a snowshoe, a kayak .... )